Arenga Fibre – various lengths


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Arenga fibre, or Gumati fibre as it is more commonly known, is harvested from a species of palm tree that grows only in Indonesia. It is one of the hardest wearing natural fibres available.

Arenga or gumati fibre is brown/black in colour. The fibre is stiff and extremely durable. It is highly resistant to seawater, and has been used for cordage on ships.

Brushes and brooms all over the world can be found filled with Arenga Fibre for cleaning floors, streets and household applications, and has also been used in paintbrushes. It’s great for hearths / woodburners, altar brushes, workshop brushes…

Other uses of the fibre include rope making, which is resistant to sunlight and saltwater, manufacture of sieves, in the construction of roofs and even to reinforce concrete.

Arenga fibre is difficult to beat for its hard wearing qualities and durability. It is ideally suited to applications where synthetics fail due to heat from friction. Arenga has a heat resistance of up to 150° C. It is also excellent for the manufacture of high quality sweeping brooms.

Additional information

Weight N/A
bundle weight

250g, 500g, 1kg


60mm, 180mm, 250mm